Standing in the Presence of Kings; and Queens (Part 2)
I was going to write solely about why I think the Muslims and Jews are at war but I think it’s now morphing into a World conspiracy against the Chosen People.
My husband and I have never visited Jerusalem, the ‘Holy City’, so we did the next best thing, we watched a 4K ‘Walk-through’ video on our 55 inch TV. We especially enjoyed visiting the Machane Yehuda market because of its congenial bustling atmosphere, so full of life. What do I mean by full of life? In my previous post I talked about the feeling you have when in the company of Jews who keep the Covenant with The Creator, you feel their acceptance of you as person, regardless of your beliefs. They live in a horizontal society where all are equal. You don’t feel the same way in Gentile cities, in the County Malls of the UK, even in the smaller malls where shops attempt to thrive together, there is still that unconscious separation based upon social standing.
This is my revelation, my understanding of the Jews living in pure acceptance of The Creator’s will. (We will do and we will hear).
Bear with me, it’s gonna get real deep.
Today is Saturday 1st of June. For the Jews, they’re celebrating the Shabbat; notice it’s a called a celebration. Some would say this is purely a ‘religious’ observance because every week this part of the Covenant is carried out (keep the Shabbat and make it holy) but to say it’s religious is a misunderstanding. It’s not a religious act. Talking to an orthodox Rabbi has given us a glimpse of what this really means. He said that no matter what an orthodox Jew is doing, they’ll automatically stop when the Shabbat arrives. An orthdox Jew could be addicted to smoking, yet when the Shabbat arrives, they will stop smoking because of the strict observance of no work on the Shabbat, from sundown Friday night, til sundown Saturday night, because smoking is equal to lighting a fire which is considered work.
The Rabbi told us this is not a burden, it just happens. There is no thought about it, everyone just stops. It’s natural, not forced. I find this fascinating, that around the world there are people who truly rest from the cares or ‘business’ of the world. The whole Jewish household is held in suspension. There is no cooking, no washing, minimal travel (only to synagogue) no work, enabling them to enter into a magical world, the world of the ‘No Time’ the real ‘Now’ (no past, no present, no future). The time is honoured by special routines, therefore it becomes a ‘meaningful’ rest. This is the difference. This part of the Covenant is truly unique; it is a taste of the ‘World to Come’ (Olam Ha-Ba, the heavenly Garden of Eden, the Afterlife).
I can’t even imagine what that is like, to truly rest. And yes, I do understand that there are many ways for the Gentile to find respite, we can meditate, opening a space of peace within us, we could even copy the Jews and stop working for a whole day but this would feel contrived, after all, Shabbat is part of the Jew’s ‘gift’ from The Creator.
This physical plane of existence is considered to be the ‘densest’ in spiritual terms, like a voile curtain that stops us seeing clearly — distancing us from The Creator. On the Shabbat, the Jewish people part the voile curtains to reveal and inhabit a different space in time, one free from worldy cares, from weekly chores, in essence, they are suspended in time. This is the glimpse of a ‘less dense’ realm of existence, where they as a people become truly ‘One’ in spirit. All observant Jews will say the same prayers, light the same Shabbat candles, prepare the table for the Shabbat meal, sing the same Shabbat songs and welcome into that ethereal space ‘The Creator’, who draws just a little closer to them, or they move closer to him by drawing aside the ‘Veil of Egoism’.
I can’t even imagine how amazing that must feel; I hope one day to experience it from my limited viewpoint.
The ego is really a person’s separation or distance from The Creator.
Gentiles have a ‘World’ Ego, the Gentile ‘shell’ that is worn 24/7. I’m going to bracket out those who already understand that to depart from the ego is the only true freedom, the Buddhists know this and practice this method. I’m talking about ordinary Gentiles with no particular spiritual leaning who busy themselves without thinking that there is more to this life than shopping, gossiping, worrying or making a living.
Strangely enough, during the Covid outbreak, something happened, the world experienced a paradigm shift. People were made to stop. It didn’t happen in a joyful way, it was an enforced STOP. For many, this caused a trauma, for others, it was a time of enlightenment. People chose not to return to work. Many changed direction, to follow a more meaningful line of work. Some found that being cut off from loved ones made them appreciate them more. Like the Jewish Shabbat, the world stopped for a while. The World Ego received a dent. All those activities that made sense, that normally made a person feel ‘complete’, ordering the morning coffee from the same vendor, watching the clock, going out socialising as a reward, all the ‘normal’ daily routines were suspended. People were forced back onto themselves; forced to ask the question: What does it mean to live my life?
Back to the Jews, I would like to posit that they intrinsically have ‘One’ ego, this is what makes them so different, so special and so HATED (as I mentioned in Part One). It’s why every single Jew can fully accept another Jew, even a non-practising secular Jew, because they are one race. Even secular Jews are persecuted. As you walk around the Machane Yehuda market in Jerusalem, you see multitudes of people, all seemingly going about their different lives yet they all share the same gift, or ‘burden’, they all have a special connection to The Creator through the Covenant they agreed to thousands of years ago.
The Creator chose the Jewish people for this mission out of His love for their forefather Abraham, and their task is to ‘be a Light to the Gentiles’ by accepting this burden of the Covenant. They were the first people to make rights for the animals used for work and to not inflict pain or suffering when slaughtering them for food. On the Shabbat, even the animals rest. They’ve thought deeply about the rights of women and understand their unique problems. The rest of the world have no idea how much respect is given to Jewish women! Centuries ago, the Jews compiled two voluminous works called ‘Talmud’ — a truly marvellous discussion and exegesis about the minutiae of living, even how to efficiently and carefully wipe your bottom after a bowel movement! And as I mentioned in Part 1, The Jews are more decorated with Nobel Prizes than any other race in the world.
The Jews are unique, they’re different than the rest of the people of the world.
When you spend time with them, study Torah with them, listen to their lectures on YouTube, you can see that the phrase: ‘To be a light to the Gentiles’ is something they are charged to do and they are very skilled at it, but they can’t do that under continued persecution, and we can’t expect them to lose their mistrust of Gentiles while this carries on, the divide will become too great. They can’t be a light if the Gentiles continue to promote jealousy because of their relationship with The Creator. They can’t be a light if the world continues to support Hamas in the wish to annihilate them from the face of the earth!
I wonder what is really happening. Do people who hate Jews really hate The Creator, is this some form of misplaced projection of hatred? Is this due (as I said in my previous post) to the eternal guilt they feel has been imposed on them from centuries of being told they are nothing more than worthless worms, crawling in the dust? Guilt is infectious, even among non-Christians…
Posit this: Are the Muslims who are attacking the Jews just jealous that they don’t share in their Jewish lineage because they were not born of Sarah, Abraham’s wife? Could this unconsciously filter down throughout the centuries? Or are there other ‘games’ at play, political games that have pushed the Jews into a different state of mind? Is it wise for Israel to be economically aligned to, and rely so heavily on America? What is America? A completely different ego structure to the Jewish ego! Does this make the Jewish ego somehow impure? Is this alliance a kind of blackmail and the only way the Jews can protect themselves? I don’t know, I just wonder about these forces that operate in the world.
To sum up, if the Jews were annihilated, (G-d forbid!) what would the world become? What would we lose? Would it be disastrous? I think it would be. Judaism is not a religion, it’s an agreement, a Covenant. This is what the world forgets, sometimes even the Jews forget. They are Covenantal Jews. I want the world to understand what the Jews possess and that they can have a piece of it too, because my husband and I know what it’s like to have a piece of it. We have experienced this ‘difference’, we live this difference every day. It doesn’t make us unhappy, we just notice it and find it easier to live a more separate life from the World Ego. As I said in my last post, it’s difficult to walk around with Torah stamped on your forehead! But we wouldn’t have it any other way because we are happy, not bowed down by our part in it, but set free. We are not bowed down by ‘original sin’, we know that The Creator loves us, as He loves all his Creation.
But The Jews experience a special love and they have a difficult job to do, and it seems to be always against the odds! Come and join us as we start a new initiative, as we become the ‘buffer’ between Jews and hatred, between ignorance and understanding…
(Image: Wombo Dream AI)